10 June 2024
On the Verge are pleased to announce the launch of “Our Tiny Veg Growers!” club.
Based at Woodlands Avenue playground, children will have a dedicated growing area for fruit, vegetables and flowers. Club members will have every opportunity to learn about where their food comes from, how to grow it, and enjoy the best part, the eating!
This amazing club will be run by volunteers who currently garden the Woodlands Avenue Community Garden, with additional funding from Keep Wales Tidy. Keep Wales Tidy are a charity who work with local communities to create a beautiful Wales, a Wales with a good quality environment and the benefits that come with it!
We’d love to see as many locals as possible at the launch of this amazing club.
If you’d like to join us, please come to the Woodlands Avenue playground on June 15th at 12 noon to start the ground breaking ceremony!
See 'OUR TINY VEG GROWERS' Club page for more information and news...