The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will fix it.

Buy a leaf to help our planet...

Each wooden leaf is for you to remember a personal memory - a loved one, a favourite walk, perhaps a private thought for the future. The leaves are also your chance to give hope to our environment.

On The Verge are helping to preserve and create wildlife habitats throughout Powys. Projects and collaborations we are involved with are helping to increase the bio-diversity and understanding of our environmental needs. Every penny we receive will go towards supporting our work – run entirely by volunteers.

“Never doubt that a small group of committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”

Margaret Mead

The tree has been specially made from marine ply for us by Colin Lewis Joinery in Talgarth. The tree is approximately 7 feet high x 6 feet wide and its leaves have been individually made by Men's Shed in Brecon. They are made from plywood and measure approx 75mm x 50mm.

Each individual leaf has been hand painted by On the Verge volunteers.
The tree is sited at St.Marys Church, Brecon LD3 7AA.

Your leaf will be randomly placed amongst other leaves, whom also have a special memory or a hope for the future of our planet.
As nature incurs into the plywood tree and leaves over the years they will eventually and naturally return to the earth.

When you buy a leaf there is a “book of words” in St Mary’s Church, for you to add your own special message. 

All details can be found on the online order form below or at our display in St. Mary’s church.

There is no restriction on the number of leaves you wish to purchase. Each Hope & Memory leaf is £10.

Leaves can be purchased using the following methods: by card or by cash/cheque with order form at the Church or by PayPal using the form below...

Buy a Leaf

I would like to buy (choose below) leaves @ £10 per leaf.

“Ugly or beautiful, it is the little creatures that make the world go round. We should celebrate and appreciate them in all their wonderful diversity.” Dave Goulson

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